Health & Safety Risk Assessment

The first steps to identifying health and safety risks in the workplace is to look at what could harm employees and what steps you can take to solve this. In addition, this is the foundation of a risk assessment. It’s also an important process you should always consider to reduce liability, keep your employees safe, and to comply with health & safety laws.

Risk assessment can feel like a difficult process to implement, but it’s an important step to keeping your employees safe. Furthermore, if you need assistance, we are here to help.

risk assessment

We believe the best way to approach a risk assessment is to minimise the paperwork focus on sensible solutions you can take to reduce the workplace risk. In addition, here are some initial points we can support you with:


  • How to identify hazards in the workplace;
  • Best way to identify who might be harmed and how;
  • How to evaluate the risks and decide on precautions; and
  • How to record significant findings

A risk assessment is technically a record of your findings from the steps above. In addition, it’s much easier to reference as you make important improvements to identify the risks you’ve found and how your changes have made a difference.

Your health and safety findings should also demonstrate that you gave attention to every possible risk. Furthermore, your written findings will serve as a continuous resource you can refer to more than once. If there are also any large changes in your workplace, it’s important that you re-evaluate risks and create a new risk assessment, if necessary. 

Contact us now on 01383 668178 to discuss our health and safety services to get your protected. We look forward to speaking with you!

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