Top Tips for attracting graduates to your business

11 March 2022 | Hybrid Working, Recruitment

Graduates can be a valuable member of your team as they offer a fresh perspective on the working world. In addition, it’s important to get your recruitment message right when attracting graduates. It’s time to think like a candidate and put things in place to attract and retain them.

From company values to employee benefits, here are our top tips to do just that:

Company Values

Although graduates are keen to start their career as soon as they leave University, they are less willing to compromise on their values. In addition, it’s important you identify values that your business lives by so that it aligns with candidate expectations. Examples of this can be mental health policies, diversity and inclusion policies, mental health first aiders, and any other policies that show you care about your people.

Values can also focus on innovation. Candidates that have just left University are excited and ready to put their stamp on the world. In addition, it’s important you show them that everyone’s ideas and opinions are heard.

Make sure you promote your values and personality when recruiting. However, It’s important you promote values that are a true reflection of your company culture as staff won’t stick around if they realise your business doesn’t live up to this.

Hybrid Working

Since the beginning of the pandemic, hybrid working has become a high priority for candidates when job searching. Hybrid and flexible working offers a better work/life balance and is believed to reduce stress and improve productivity. Graduates may also like that a more flexible way of working allows them to fit their workload around their lifestyle.

If hybrid working is something you offer, it’s important you make this clear when promoting your vacancies. If you would like to implement hybrid working in your business, read our latest blog. We encourage you to consider this as you may miss out on a lot of talented employees if you don’t.

Personal Development Opportunities

Graduates are looking for a sense of purpose in their job. In addition, they are looking to work for a company that develops their team so they can progress further within the business. If employees can’t see a clear career path, they won’t want to work within your business for too long. In addition, as part of your recruitment campaign, promote learning and development opportunities and show where the role can lead.

Some organisations offer their staff ‘job swap opportunities where they can work in different departments for a short period of time. This will allow your team to connect with more colleagues and discover their purpose within the business.

Employee Benefits

One of the best ways to stand out from your competitors and to gain talented graduates is by offering employee benefits. This can be an extra holiday for every year your staff have been at the company, gym memberships, half days one Friday of the month, flexible working, counselling, and much more. Again, it’s important you include these benefits in your job adverts.

If you would like any support with your recruitment activities and attracting graduates to your business, feel free to contact us on 01383 668 178. You can also take a look at our recruitment packages on our website.

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