Men’s Mental Health Awareness Week: Men Matter Scotland

11 June 2024 | Blog

This week is Men’s Mental Health Awareness Week. Therefore, we’re taking this opportunity to highlight the importance of Men’s Mental Health, and what you, as an employer or employee, can do to support your workforce on this matter.

We spoke to Martin Melly, who works for Men Matter Scotland, on a range of subjects, which you can view below.

Tell us a bit about Men Matter Scotland, what do you do and what your goals are?

Our aim is to improve men’s mental health and wellbeing through peer to peer support to prevent suicide. We offer men aged 16 and above a safe and confidential space to speak without judgement. We put on classes and activities weekly to help men improve their mental health.

What your role at Men Matter Scotland is?

My role is to offer one to one support, put on a weekly class and generally help with the running of the hub.

Why do men typically struggle with opening up about their feelings?

There is still a stigma attached to men opening up especially in Scotland. It is seen as weakness to open up, but we see it as a strength. We have found that men do talk if you give them an environment to.

How important is good mental health for the workplace?

It is very important. We need to look out for each other and ask people if they don’t seem themselves.

What steps businesses can/should take to prioritising mental health in the workplace?

They can make sure they know they have support if/when they are struggling. They can have regular meetings to check in and make sure they have places people can go to for support up in the workplace.

You can check out more on Men Matter Scotland here.

We also plan on doing a podcast episode with Men Matter Scotland in the near future, keep your eyes/ears peeled for this!

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