Management Training

Supporting Your UK Business With Tailored Management Training & Development Services

We offer online management training UK wide and face-2-face management training in Central Scotland.

Why choose our Management Training Services?

Even the best employees need continuous training so that they meet the ever-changing needs of your business. Continuous training and development is an essential element to future-proofing your business. A team that engages in constant learning remains relevant and is motivated to be ahead of the competition.

Some examples of the training we can deliver are listed below. Half day rates are £500 per workshop and for full day workshops, these are £800 per workshop. We can also run 90 minute lunch and learns (or over breakfast!) for £250 per workshop.

Our management training courses include (but not limited to):

  • Customer Service
  • Communication Skills
  • Introduction to Human Resources
  • How to attract and retain talent
  • Creating a great workplace culture
  • Interviewing and Recruitment
  • Leadership and Management
  • Personal Development
  • Sales and Marketing
  • Handling Difficult Conversations
  • Equality and Diversity
  • Managing Performance
  • Managing Absence
  • How to conduct effective investigations and disciplinary hearings
  • How to manage grievances
  • An introduction to Mental Health and Wellbeing for managers
  • Supporting Mental Health at Work
  • Workplace Harassment

There’s not a lot in HR that we haven’t encountered before! Whilst we have listed some of our more popular training topics, if there is a topic you would like covered that isn’t listed, then we are happy to discuss this with you.

Our training courses are facilitated by industry leaders and can be conducted on-site or online. Your employees can learn on their own or in a group environment. Contact us if you have specific training requirements and we will be happy to customise our offers.

We help develop your team

Despite the benefits, training and development are often among the most neglected aspects of management. Many employers hire new staff and set them free in the workplace, leaving the burden of training and development to the employees themselves.

At The HR Booth, we rely on decades of combined experience in a range of HR fields to create meaningful employee training and development initiatives your staff will appreciate.

Assessing your needs

Our training and development solutions help you identify, develop and best utilise your employees’ knowledge and skills.

Our consultants will do a comprehensive assessment of your training needs. Using training needs analysis, coaching and mentoring, we work with you to understand your current challenges.

We will then present solutions tailored to your business goals to help develop your team’s skills, enhance their performance and improve their productivity. These include:

  •  An improvement in your performance management system
  • A career development planning program
  • A reward and recognition program
  • Assessment tools to identify areas of opportunity for employee development

How we can help


First impressions are not just for the employee to worry about; it’s also essential for managers to make new staff experience a positive first day.

The first couple of weeks in their new job are the most important as your staff member is still deciding whether they enjoy working for the business. Aside from providing them with a welcome pack and employee handbook, they might need a work mentor to guide them through the first few weeks.

Personal Development

We help your employees assess their current abilities and define personal goals, making them happier and more motivated toward professional development. Our specialists help you carry out staff reviews for higher employee retention rate and workplace satisfaction.

Performance Management

Teamwork provides several benefits, but it isn’t easy to achieve without training and guidance. We work with your managers and train them with the best practices in managing their team and handling conflict.

What our clients say

“All points/topics touched on this course were relevant and beneficial for all attendees.”

“Overall the workshop was success there was positive feedback from everyone who attended.”

“Really helpful and engaging training.”

Looking for training and development support?

Learn more about our management training and development service by contacting us now. You can also get an idea of our prices on our website. We look forward to hearing with you to create a plan that fits within your company.

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