Meet The Team: Rachel

17 June 2024 | Blog

If you’re looking for a beach, we’d recommend the nearby Seafield Beach – but we suppose The Maldives may just edge it!

Rachel recently celebrated one full year with The HR Booth. To mark this, we asked Rachel a few questions, which you can check out below.


1. How long have you worked for The HR Booth? I have been with The HR Booth for just over 1 year now.


2. What’s your job role and what does a typical day look like? It can be anything from reviewing policies and contracts to investigations, or absence cases. No day is the same, there is so much variety that we can be involved in day to day, that’s what is so great about being at The HR Booth.


3. What can you support clients with?It can be a simple letter template, policy and handbook reviews, grievances, investigations, and disciplinary cases to general day to day HR advice.


4. What do you enjoy most about The HR Booth? That would have to be the culture here at The HR Booth and the variety of work that we deal with. The team are also fab, with a huge range of knowledge.


5. If you could visit any country in the world, where would you go and what would you want to experience there? Oh, tough one. Probably the Maldives, just for the peace, quiet and beautiful blue waters!


6. If you were stuck on a deserted island, what 3 items would you bring with you? Chocolate, a blanket and a lighter cause I have no idea how to start a fire!


7. If you could swap jobs with anyone in the office for a day, who would it be, and why? Probably Rennie, I love being creative so would be interesting to do something different for the day!


Click here to meet the rest of our team.

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